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10 Most Common Gynecological Problems and Diseases

nōni Editorial Team

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

Women have a lot of concerns when it comes to their health. Gynecology is one of the most important parts for women's health because many diseases are related to gynecology.

1. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

PCOS is the most common among all because it affects 6-7% women in their reproductive age group. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that causes problems like infertility, irregular menstrual periods, etc. PCOS also increases the chance of diabetes in women if not diagnosed early.

2. Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a disease where many small tumors will grow inside or outside of your ovary; it is difficult to detect ovarian cancer because there are no symptoms until the tumor grows very large making it hard for you to engage in regular activities like walking, working out etc. It becomes important for women to track their health well by putting up reminders like taking regular tests like pap smear, pelvic examination, etc.

3. PCOS and PCOD

Many women do not know that PCOS and PCOD are the same thing; PCOD is a mild case of PCOS, but both can make it difficult for women to get pregnant even after trying for a long time. PCOD is responsible for causing infertility in lakhs of Indian women every year because they do not understand their symptoms until it becomes very difficult or impossible for them to get pregnant without proper treatment. Both these diseases need consult with a gynecologist because self-medication may worsen your condition.

PCOS and PCOD during pregnancy

It is important for PCOS patients to consult their gynecologist before they decide to have a baby because PCOS makes it difficult for them to conceive without proper treatment; PCOD also has similar effects on pregnant women, so it becomes vital for them to tell their gynecologist about their PCOD condition beforehand. If not treated properly PCOS and PCOD can lead to a miscarriage or premature birth.

PCOS and PCOD prevention

Many women suffer from PCOS and PCOD without knowing what caused this disease because they do not know how to keep track of their health; both PCOS and PCOD are mostly genetic diseases where the mother suffers from PCOS or PCOD before her child is born so it becomes important for PCOS and PCOD patients to regularly get checked by their gynecologist so if they have PCOS and PCOD before the child is born, they can consult a doctor and take allopathic medications to maintain PCOS during pregnancy for healthy baby.

4. Vaginal yeast infections

Vaginal yeast infection causes itching, burning sensation while urinating or during intercourse, vaginal discharge that smells like bread or beer, etc. Yeast is a fungus that lives in your body naturally but when the yeast multiplies, it causes infection which can be very uncomfortable for women. It is important to go to a doctor if you think you have vaginal yeast infection because most of the time it is caused by an allergic reaction to something like drugs or certain types of soap or perfumes.

5. Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a disease where the cells in your cervix will start growing abnormally that may turn into malignant tumors causing permanent damage to the cervix. It becomes important for women to get regular cervical screening done by their gynecologist so they can prevent cervical cancer from becoming fatal. In India, many women do not understand the importance of getting a pap smear done regularly so it is important for them to learn about PCOS during pregnancy so they can protect their unborn baby from cervical cancer if they have PCOS or PCOD before they decide to conceive.

6. Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is a problem that affects many women after menopause when their level of estrogen hormone decreases naturally. As estrogen levels decrease, the vaginal walls become thin and pale which can cause pain during intercourse, frequent UTI infections etc. Many women use external lubricants while having sex but sometimes it becomes necessary to consult a doctor because allopathic medications may not be suitable for everyone to regularize vaginal dryness.

7. UTI

Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is one of the most common urinary tract infections that women suffer from because of certain dietary plans they follow, lifestyle changes etc. Most often UTI becomes symptomatic at night when your sleep quality may decline causing pain during urination, frequent urge to urinate, fever etc. If you are suffering from these symptoms then it is important for you to see your gynecologist immediately because self-medication may worsen your condition. PCOS and PCOD during pregnancy can become fatal if not treated properly by a gynecologist.

8. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where the cells of the lining in your uterus start growing abnormally outside the uterine area which may cause pain during menstruation, cramps etc., especially during ovulation when you experience sharp pain due to lack of proper blood supply etc. It becomes important for women who suffer from PCOS and PCOD such as PCOS during pregnancy because there are many birth control pills available that modulate estrogen hormone levels which can also lead to PCOS during pregnancy.

9. Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts are sacs filled with fluid that may appear on your ovary if your PCOS or PCOD levels are elevated during pregnancy which can lead to PCOS during pregnancy. PCOS and PCOD lead to excess of male hormones in women which affect the functioning of the ovary. This leads to PCOS while pregnant, sometimes leading to infertility problems because of irregular periods etc., Women suffering from PCOS should regularly get their estrogen hormone levels tested by their gynecologist so they can take allopathic medications at an early stage instead of letting it become more complex later on.

10. Miscarriage

Miscarriage is a very common problem where women suffer from miscarriages multiple times during their life because PCOS and PCOD PCOS during pregnancy etc. PCOS and PCOD PCOS during pregnancy can lead to this problem because of the excess male hormones that affect the functioning of their ovaries. It becomes important for women suffering from PCOS and PCOD such as PCOS during pregnancy so they can take allopathic medications at an early stage instead of letting it become more complex later on.

All the problems mentioned above are treatable by consulting your gynecologist as soon as you notice symptoms or before it becomes too late. PCOS and PCOD conditions need regular checkups because they have long term effects on a woman's health, especially PCOS has been associated with cervical cancer in pregnant women so it is vital for these patients to consult their gynecologist regularly. Vaginal dryness is caused due to a drop in estrogen levels after menopause so it is important for PCOD patients to tell their gynecologist about this issue so treatment can be provided accordingly.


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