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Abortions in India

nōni Editorial Team

Abortion is a contentious issue worldwide, and India is no exception. In India, abortion is legal, but it is only allowed under specific circumstances. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 regulates abortions in the country, and it permits women to terminate their pregnancy only up to 20 weeks.

Abortion in India


Despite the legality of abortion in India, it remains a taboo topic in the country. It is estimated that around 15.6 million abortions are performed in India every year, making it one of the highest rates of abortion in the world. The majority of abortions in India are performed in the first trimester, within 12 weeks of conception. According to a report by the Guttmacher Institute, 56% of abortions in India are unsafe, leading to complications, injuries, and sometimes, even death.

Ways of Abortion

There are several ways in which women in India terminate their pregnancies. Medical abortion, which involves taking medication to induce a miscarriage, is the most common method of abortion in the country. This method is considered to be safer than surgical abortion, but it requires close medical supervision.

Surgical abortion is another method of terminating a pregnancy, and it is usually performed in the second trimester. This method involves dilating the cervix and removing the fetus from the uterus. However, it is riskier than medical abortion and requires skilled medical practitioners.


The reasons why women in India choose to have an abortion are varied. Some of the common reasons include unplanned pregnancies, financial constraints, lack of support from partners or family, and health concerns. In India, many women do not have access to proper healthcare facilities or information about contraceptives, which makes them vulnerable to unwanted pregnancies.

It is worth noting that abortion is not a decision that women take lightly. It is a difficult and often emotionally draining choice that women make when they feel they have no other option. In many cases, women are forced to have an abortion due to social and cultural pressure, which can be just as traumatic.

Importance of Birth Control and Safe Sex

The high rate of abortions in India highlights the importance of birth control and safe sex practices. The use of contraceptives can prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the need for abortions. However, in India, many women do not have access to contraception or lack information about it. There is also a stigma surrounding the use of contraceptives, which makes it difficult for women to access them.

To address this issue, it is essential to promote awareness about birth control and safe sex practices. This can be done through education and outreach programs that provide women with information about contraceptives and how to use them. Additionally, healthcare providers need to be trained to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services to women in India.


In conclusion, abortion is a complex issue in India that highlights the need for better access to contraceptives and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services. It is essential to provide women with the resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and their lives. By promoting awareness about birth control and safe sex practices, we can reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and ultimately, the need for abortions. It is time for India to break the silence around abortion and provide women with the support they need to make the choices that are right for them.


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