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Birth Control Myths - Revisited and Debunked

nōni Editorial Team

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, is designed to prevent pregnancy. Birth control has been used for more than a century by women all over the world. Birth control allows people to choose when they want children based on personal, societal and professional factors. Birth control includes barrier method contraception, hormonal contraceptives [birth control pills], permanent [sterilization] and [emergency contraception].

Does Birth Control Cause Weight Gain?

The myth that birth control causes weight gain was spread during a clinical study done in 2005 on a particular contraceptive drug called YAZ. During the course of the trial some women taking this medication did experience weight gain while others did not or saw no significant change in their body weight at all . It should be noted that the weight gain was only seen in women taking the medication who were already overweight at the beginning of the trial. Birth control itself does not cause weight gain, however certain medicines used to treat other health problems could lead to increased weight resulting in obesity or excessive body mass index (BMI). Birth control pills do not promote major weight fluctuations unless coupled with another disorder like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which may result in obesity due to insulin resistance.

Does Birth Control Cause Blood Clots?

Birth control pills are often blamed for causing clots, but birth control users actually have a lower incidence than women who aren't on any form of hormonal contraceptive. A study published in December 2012 notes that women on birth control have a 20 percent lower risk of being hospitalized for blood clots than women who are not taking oral contraceptive pills. Birth control does not cause blood clots they may be caused by other underlying medical conditions like hyperthyroidism, malignancies, smoking, obesity and genetic clotting disorders.

Does Birth Control Cause Breast Cancer?

It's actually one of the most common myths about contraception today. Birth control pills do not increase your breast cancer risk even if you take them before your first full-term pregnancy, which is when your body usually starts to produce its own hormones again. Birth control has been shown in many large studies to offer significant protection against the development of ovarian cancer. Birth control does not cause breast cancer unless coupled with an existing genetic predisposition to breast cancer in which case birth control can actually reduce your overall risk of developing ovarian or endometrial cancers.

Does Birth Control Cause Acne?

Birth control pills are used to regulate hormones and prevent pregnancy, but they don't actually cause acne breakouts. The key here is understanding what causes blemishes before you blame birth control for your complexion problems. One study published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology found that women taking birth control pills had a "significantly higher" prevalence of acne than those who weren't on hormonal contraception. Birth control could result in hormonal acne if the woman had existing hormonal sensitivities. Birth control contains progestin, which is a hormone that increases oil secretion in your pores. Birth control containing estrogen actually works to decrease sebum production since it stabilizes estrogen levels in women with normal or high levels of circulating hormones.

Does Birth Control Cause Infertility?

Birth control pills don't cause infertility because they contain no male sperm-killing ingredients and work only by suppressing ovulation. The World Health Organization reports that birth control doesn't appear to have any long-term effect on a woman's fertility after she goes off the pill, according to findings from its research project called European Active Surveillance Study on Oral Contraceptives for Cancer Prevention. Birth control pills do not cause infertility unless a woman has been on the pill for extended periods of time and then goes off it before having children.

To conclude Birth control pills are beneficial to the individual if it is used for a period of time and then stopped before becoming pregnant Birth control does not lead to infertility Birth control does not cause acne Birth control use has no long term effect on fertility Birth control pills do not cause weight fluctuation or obesity Birth control causes blood clots only in individuals with predispositions that increase risk. Birth Control Pills help decrease uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer as well as regulate the menstrual cycle and offer lighter periods.


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