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Smoking and Birth Control - Why They Don't Go Well Together

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

In India, tens of millions of women use birth control pills, making "the pill" one of the most popular drugs in the nation. The majority of these women have few or no adverse effects. Some individuals even experience benefits beyond the visible contraceptive advantages of birth control, such as softer skin and fewer acne breakouts.

If you're a smoker, though, birth control pills might be hazardous to your health. If you smoke cigarettes, many of the possible cardiovascular side effects of birth control pills become considerably more frequent and severe. You should not take birth control pills if you are over 35 and a smoker.

The following describes and explains the possible negative effects that using birth control pills to prevent pregnancy may have on a cigarette smoker. If you're a smoker looking to use birth control as a form of contraception (or, much less frequently, a birth control pill user wanting to start smoking), read this before making any decisions about birth control.

Smoking While Using Birth Control Can Be Harmful

Smoking cigarettes while taking birth control significantly raises your risk of suffering from cardiac problems, according to studies. Simply said, if you smoke while using any oral birth control pill, you have a higher chance of having a stroke, blood clot, or heart attack.

All of these cardiovascular problems can be life-threatening, implying that if you smoke while using birth control, you have a greater chance of dying prematurely.

In a Danish study conducted in 1999, researchers discovered that smoking while taking a birth control pill that contains ethinyl estradiol (one of the most frequent components in combined birth control pills) has a synergistic effect on stroke and heart attack risk.

According to several publications, smoking while using birth control can substantially raise your chances of stroke.

Simply said, using birth control while smoking considerably raises your risk of having a major cardiovascular problem beyond what is considered "unhealthy" activities like smoking alone. Because of this, it's important that you inform your healthcare provider before discussing contraception choices. If you begin hormonal birth control it is important to let your doctor know.Women who are over 35 years old and smoke face the greatest risk of adverse reproductive effects linked to birth control. Women aged 35 and up who smoke have an increased chance of suffering from cardiovascular negative effects from using contraception. If you smoke after turning 35, your healthcare professional will recommend non-hormonal birth control alternatives for you.

If you're a smoker and over the age of 35, tell your doctor. Your health is their number one concern, and they'll work with you to discover a birth control option that works for you and your risk factors.

What Can You Do?

If you smoke and want to start using birth control, it's crucial that you discuss your health concerns with your doctor.

If you're over 35 years old, your doctor may recommend a different birth control pill with a lower risk of causing cardiovascular problems, such as a progestin-only "mini pill."

The active component in combined birth control pills, ethinyl estradiol, isn't found in Progestin. Instead, they're comprised of only one progestin hormone.

If you're over 35 years old, or your healthcare provider thinks that your cigarette smoking will significantly raise your risk of being affected by hormonal birth control's adverse effects, they'll most likely recommend a different kind of contraception that is both safe and suitable.

There are a number of different types of birth control available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. The following methods are examples of some popular choices: Depo-Provera is an injection that contains only a progestin hormone, which is safe for many smokers over the age of 35. It's critical to talk about the dangers associated with birth control strategies as well as smoking with your healthcare provider during this discussion.

Finally, if you smoke, the easiest method to avoid side effects from birth control while also protecting yourself from pregnancy is to stop smoking. quitting will not only make oral contraceptives safe for you to consume but will also provide a plethora of additional health benefits.


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