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Using Birth Control While Breast Feeding - What Are Your Options?

nōni Editorial Team

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

There are a lot of concerns that come with breastfeeding and birth control. Birth control is usually something that women don't want to think about when they're trying to conceive or trying not to conceive a child, but it's a decision that needs to be made well in advance if you want to make sure it's safe according to your chosen birth control options.

What Are The Risks Of Taking Birth Control If I'm Breastfeeding?

There are many resources out there for women who have just recently become mothers and have questions regarding their choice for taking birth control while breastfeeding. Birth control can be one of the most important decisions that a woman makes for her future, and because it's so personal, every woman has different needs regarding taking Birth Control Pills .

The majority of Birth Control Pills will make your breast milk supply dry up due to hormonal changes in your body. Some Birth Control Pills are actually made for women who are already pregnant to help their bodies release hormones that will begin contracting their uterus after birth to reduce post-pregnancy bleeding. These Birth Control Pills have much higher levels of estrogen, which means they're not safe for use by breastfeeding mothers because it could result in serious health problems for both newborns and lactating moms.

What options do breast feeding women have?

So now that we've established that Birth Control Pills are usually not safe for women who are breastfeeding, what other options do women have available to them if they don't want to conceive another child right away? Luckily, there are many different Birth Control Options available for women. The only problem with Birth Control is that it has side-effects , but luckily most Birth Control Options tend to be milder in nature or easier on the body than Birth Control Pills tend to be.

There are four main forms of Birth Control pills: 1) Mini Pill 2) Combination Pill 3) Patch 4) Shot/Injection . All four of these types of Birth Control Pills can be taken while breastfeeding as long as you consult your doctor before taking Birth Control. All four of these Birth Control pills will pose no harm to either the baby or the mother, but Birth Control Pills tend to be less effective for women who are breastfeeding because Birth Control Pills take a short time for hormones to fully enter a woman's body after being consumed. The mini pill is very much like Birth Control Pills , except that it contains less hormones and isn't considered an effective form of birth control if two people have sex without using another method of Birth Control simultaneously. In general, pro-health experts still recommend that you double up on your Birth Control Methods if procreation is not what you're looking for in life.

Women who are breastfeeding can use Birth Control Patches , Birth Control Shots/Injections, Birth Control Implants and Birth Control Rings while breastfeeding. These Birth Control Options are safe to use by women who are breastfeeding, but like Birth Control Pills , they need to make sure that they consult their doctor before taking any of these Birth Control Options while breastfeeding.

Unlike Birth Control pills, the Birth Control Patch , Birth Control Shot/Injection , Birth Control Implants and Birth Control Ring will take longer for your body to absorb the hormones, which means that you're more protected against getting pregnant without doubling up on another form of birth control (condoms or abstinence). However, many physicians still recommend using condoms with these types of Birth Control while you're practicing complete abstinence from vaginal intercourse, anal sex and oral sex.


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Vaibhav Chugh
Vaibhav Chugh
Nov 19, 2021


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